Solve Workplace Issues by Developing an Assertive Influence Behavior

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Influencing skills are important and they can help someone succeed in both their personal and professional life. Knowing the right type of influence behavior to utilize can be hard to determine, but if a person can do so everyone will benefit. The four types of influence behavior are openly aggressive behavior, concealed aggressive behavior, passive behavior, and assertive behavior. Assertive behavior is the key behind success at work.

Influence is a daily part of life and can help resolve issues, negotiate complex deals, and lead project teams. If team members have poor influence behavior, however, it can cost the organization a lot. Mistrust can breed and problems can grow when people don’t communicate effectively or use assertive behavior to solve problems. Unfortunately, learning how to use assertive behavior can be challenging. But the behavior can be learned, and HRDQ’s product ‘Interpersonal Influence Inventory’ can help. This tool allows people to become more aware of their own behaviors and discover how to influence others.

Less Productive Behaviors

Openly aggressive behavior, concealed aggressive behavior and passive behavior are common influence behaviors, but they are not effective.

People who are openly aggressive believe that they have all the rights, at the expensive of others. They want control and refuse to admit when they are wrong. This is detrimental to a well-operating workplace.

Those who have concealed aggressive behavior often think about revenge for perceived slights. They are hostile, insulting, and threatening – in an indirect manner. This behavior is also a problem at work.

Employees with passive behavior don’t speak up because they lack self-confidence and they don’t want to disturb the status quo. They tend to agree with others and don’t like to express their opinion. This is an issue because different opinions are important to build a diverse team.

Assertive Behavior and How it Helps at Work

Assertive behavior has the greatest impact on individual success and organizational performance. This behavior consists of self-confidence and believing in individual privileges. Assertive people advocate for others and create an impact. They communicate clearly and move projects forward. Employees should strive to become assertive influencers to better their own work life and the experience of those around them.

An influence style affects people’s own feelings and thoughts; other people’s feelings, thoughts, and behaviors; and the functioning of the organization itself.  Assertive people are more likely to achieve goals because being assertive means being more expressive and making choices with honesty and directness. Assertive people have more control over a situation because they have the power to choose. They have gained trust from others and know that their actions are valued.

How to Improve Your Influence Style and Become More Assertive

Influence is a learned skill and it can be improved. With the right training, self-discovery, and practice, people can develop their ability to be assertive.

HRDQ’s Interpersonal Influence Inventory is designed to create an awareness of the behaviors people use when they attempt to influence others. It allows participants to recognize their own style of influence and work toward developing a more effective style. The combination self-assessment and training workshop helps people work toward becoming more effective communicators. Learn more about Interpersonal Influence Inventory.

To learn more about influence, view HRDQ’s “How Do You Come Across to Others?” webinar. You will learn how to identify personal influence style, four common influence styles and how each relates to one’s ability to influence others, why assertive behavior is the influence style that always yields positive results, and how some influence styles can hamper interpersonal communication. Click here to watch.

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